Zion & Lennox

Destiny said time and place indicated; they brought their music. Felix Ortiz (Zion) and Gabriel Pizarro (Lennox) redefined their friendship in a small recording studio in Carolina, Puerto Rico. There they established a shelter to share their love of music was born the duo Zion & Lennox. Those moments between two childhood friends given the opportunity to experiment with new rhythms, to exchange ideas and redefine the possibilities of reggaetón. So the way traced mark their lives and took the first step forward, participating in musical productions as The Noise, Godfather, and MVP.
The Puerto Rican audience received with great acceptance to the proposal from Zion y Lennox: a reggaeton love songs and dance, no obscene or offensive to women, and a lyrical appeal to lovers of the genre. The success of this formula colonized the world. With its discography "Motivating Yal Special Edition" hits such as Maiden, Do not Stop, Bandit, Down Up, Princess, among others, were presented throughout Latin America and the United States. And with his successful tour Tour Motivating Yal also conquered several cities in Europe.
As pioneers in the globalization of the genre, were honored at People's Choice Award for Best Rap Duo. With this experience, the duo decided to reap success separately. On the one hand, Zion released "The Perfect Melody." With hits like Zum-Da-Da, produced by Wise, The Ways She Moves, feat Akon, and Amor de Pobre feat Eddie Dee, took first place in Billboard. Meanwhile, Lennox produced the album "The Mero-Mero" Take your prestigious company! Enterprises.
"The Mero-Mero" is a production of over 32 artists and 43 tracks, giving the opportunity for new reggaeton performers. And although they exceeded their goals separately, they knew the potential of the duo. For this set out to regain his seat in the genre. Gabriel Felix and friends remain the same throughout life, but now have the international experience of successful Zion y Lennox.
They know they have the backing and support of the public who has looked forward to their production as a whole. So now are in the final details of its forthcoming album, "Past, Present and Future."
The Puerto Rican audience received with great acceptance to the proposal from Zion y Lennox: a reggaeton love songs and dance, no obscene or offensive to women, and a lyrical appeal to lovers of the genre. The success of this formula colonized the world. With its discography "Motivating Yal Special Edition" hits such as Maiden, Do not Stop, Bandit, Down Up, Princess, among others, were presented throughout Latin America and the United States. And with his successful tour Tour Motivating Yal also conquered several cities in Europe.
As pioneers in the globalization of the genre, were honored at People's Choice Award for Best Rap Duo. With this experience, the duo decided to reap success separately. On the one hand, Zion released "The Perfect Melody." With hits like Zum-Da-Da, produced by Wise, The Ways She Moves, feat Akon, and Amor de Pobre feat Eddie Dee, took first place in Billboard. Meanwhile, Lennox produced the album "The Mero-Mero" Take your prestigious company! Enterprises.
"The Mero-Mero" is a production of over 32 artists and 43 tracks, giving the opportunity for new reggaeton performers. And although they exceeded their goals separately, they knew the potential of the duo. For this set out to regain his seat in the genre. Gabriel Felix and friends remain the same throughout life, but now have the international experience of successful Zion y Lennox.
They know they have the backing and support of the public who has looked forward to their production as a whole. So now are in the final details of its forthcoming album, "Past, Present and Future."